Download or Copy and Paste this Power Bill Letter text to accompany your Report Data.
Using this template will assist your request in being quickly administered.
Refund Demand Letter – for my Power Bill
Your Name
Your Address
Dear <Enter Energy Retailer Name Here>
The attached calculated statistics show that my payable amount is lower than that shown on my bill.
The statistics are a comprehensive hour-by-hour day-by-day breakdown of the costs that sum up to be the total billable amount of my electricity power bill.
It is therefore necessary to correct my electricity bill, to bring my account into balance (that is to zero), pursuant to AEMC: National Energy Retail Amendment (Estimated meter reads) Rule 2018 No. 4.
This letter enforces my legal right to pursue the electricity bill adjustment, so is sent to formally request the refund/rebate of $<Enter Amount Here>, as a consumers legal obligation is to pay for only what they use.
the calculations are based on my:
• ‘Actual Meter Read Usage Data’ obtained from my electricity meter – provided by you through the Distributor, that states my consumption for the billing period.
(which cannot be classified as a Self-Read, as the read data is not being provided by myself).
• Charge Rates as stated on my bill (and contract) applicable against the usage units.
– Other applicable incentives as stipulated on my bill/contract have not been added to the calculations, so need to be applied additionally.
It is only the charges on the bill (the retailers responsibility), that is being challenged.
Given that the Ombudsman requires us to mediate between ourselves before they will become involved, this letter initiates the 28-day period required by the Ombudsman.
I anticipate the refund/rebate will be provided by the 28th day at the very latest, <Enter That Date Here> before the need arises to involve the Ombudsman.
Acknowledgement, of this Power Bill refund letter being received is formed by either of the following:
• Email (or Fax) delivery and/or read receipt.
• Submission confirmation message or submission receipt on a retailers website/customer portal.
• SMS, Email or Phone call advising of receipt.
• Observing that silence cannot be relied upon as a legal defence.
I look forward to hearing from you to resolve this matter quickly.
Yours Sincerely
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