Jill’s Account Balanced

Jill's Account Balanced

Jill’s Account Balanced


  • Jill reviewed her account at the end of the next quarter after she had received: Estimate, Estimate, and now this bill, the Actual.

Supporting Actions

  • Jill downloaded her usage data and ran it through PowerBill™.
  • The data showed her total usage across that period to cost $350, which was much higher than normal, however she has been using the heating a lot recently and she could see in the data the times of use matched up.
  • Adding up her last two Direct Debit payments ($110, $103) and subtracting them from the $350 total, the new bill should be $137 to balance the account overall.
    It was $137, Account Balanced, so Jill’s was satisfied.


  • As Jill liked to keep her records, she asked here retailer to provide an updated statement of accounts.